[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Tests |
Errors |
Failures |
Skipped |
Success Rate |
Time |
461 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
98.482% |
2.682 |
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Package List
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Test Cases
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
testCharArray |
0 |
testMultiCharArray |
0 |
testLongs |
0.001 |
testTypes |
0.001 |
testInts |
0.001 |
testNestedCollections |
0 |
testMapWithNestedCollections |
0 |
testBooleanObject |
0 |
test |
0.001 |
testBooleanPrimitive |
0 |
testIntegers |
0 |
testMultiDimensionalArray |
0 |
testFloats |
0.001 |
testDoubles |
0.001 |
testExplodeDoubles |
0 |
testWithSimpleDateFormat |
0.221 |
0 |
skipped |
testWithCustomDefaultDateFormat |
0.001 |
testDateRangeQueryString |
0.007 |
testExplodeAddressWithNoExplodeOperator |
0 |
testSimpleAddress |
0 |
testExplodeAddress |
0 |
testExplodeWithSubclass |
0 |
testWrappedExploder |
0 |
testExplodeWithSubclassWithNestedList |
0 |
testBasic |
0 |
testWithEmptyMap |
0 |
testWithSubclass |
0 |
testCompositeClass |
0 |
testWithParamsWithMaps |
0.001 |
testNestedDataStructureWithoutExplodeModifier |
0.002 |
testNestedDataStructure |
0.001 |
testWithCommadelimitedListEscaped |
0 |
testWithCommadelimitedListNoteEscaped |
0 |
testReservedWithMixedPrecentEncodedValues |
0 |
testMultpleExpressions |
0 |
testFragmentWithPrecentEncodedValues |
0 |
testFragmentWithMixedPrecentEncodedValues |
0 |
testReservedExpansionTest1 |
0 |
testReservedExpansionTest2 |
0 |
testReservedWithPrecentEncodedValues |
0 |
testFromTemplate |
0.001 |
testBasicExample |
0 |
testNoExpressionAndNoVars |
0 |
test[{count}] |
0.001 |
test[{count*}] |
0.001 |
test[{/count}] |
0.001 |
test[{/count*}] |
0 |
test[{;count}] |
0 |
test[{;count*}] |
0.001 |
test[{?count}] |
0 |
test[{?count*}] |
0.001 |
test[{&count*}] |
0 |
test[{var}] |
0 |
test[{hello}] |
0 |
test[{half}] |
0 |
test[O{empty}X] |
0 |
test[O{undef}X] |
0 |
test[{x,y}] |
0 |
test[{x,hello,y}] |
0 |
test[?{x,empty}] |
0 |
test[?{x,undef}] |
0 |
test[?{undef,y}] |
0.001 |
test[{var:3}] |
0 |
test[{var:30}] |
0 |
test[{list}] |
0 |
test[{list*}] |
0 |
test[{keys}] |
0.001 |
test[{keys*}] |
0 |
test[{+var}] |
0 |
test[{/var,empty}] |
0.001 |
test[{/var,empty}] |
0.001 |
test[{/var,undef}] |
0 |
test[{/var,undef}] |
0 |
test[{+hello}] |
0 |
test[{+half}] |
0.001 |
test[{base}index] |
0 |
test[{+base}index] |
0 |
test[O{+empty}X] |
0.001 |
test[O{+undef}X] |
0 |
test[{+path}/here] |
0 |
test[{+path:6}/here] |
0.001 |
test[here?ref={+path}] |
0 |
test[up{+path}{var}/here] |
0 |
test[{+x,hello,y}] |
0 |
test[{+path,x}/here] |
0 |
test[{+list}] |
0 |
test[{+list*}] |
0 |
test[{+keys}] |
0 |
test[{+keys*}] |
0 |
test[{#var}] |
0 |
test[{#hello}] |
0 |
test[{#half}] |
0 |
test[foo{#empty}] |
0 |
test[foo{#undef}] |
0 |
test[{#x,hello,y}] |
0 |
test[{#path,x}/here] |
0 |
test[{#path:6}/here] |
0 |
test[{#list}] |
0.001 |
test[{#list*}] |
0 |
test[{#keys}] |
0 |
test[{#keys}] |
0 |
test[{.who}] |
0.001 |
test[{.who,who}] |
0 |
test[{.half,who}] |
0 |
test[www{.dom*}] |
0.001 |
test[X{.var}] |
0 |
test[X{.var:3}] |
0 |
test[X{.empty}] |
0 |
test[X{.undef}] |
0 |
test[X{.list}] |
0.001 |
test[X{.list*}] |
0 |
test[{#keys*}] |
0 |
test[X{.empty_keys}] |
0 |
test[X{.empty_keys*}] |
0.001 |
test[{/who}] |
0 |
test[{/who,who}] |
0 |
test[{/half,who}] |
0 |
test[{/who,dub}] |
0 |
test[{/var}] |
0 |
test[{/var,x}/here] |
0 |
test[{/var:1,var}] |
0 |
test[{/list}] |
0.001 |
test[{/list*}] |
0 |
test[{/list*,path:4}] |
0 |
test[{/keys}] |
0 |
test[{/keys*}] |
0 |
test[{;who}] |
0 |
test[{;half}] |
0.001 |
test[{;empty}] |
0 |
test[{;hello:5}] |
0 |
test[{;v,empty,who}] |
0 |
test[{;v,bar,who}] |
0.001 |
test[{;x,y}] |
0 |
test[{;x,y,empty}] |
0 |
test[{;x,y,undef}] |
0 |
test[{;list}] |
0.001 |
test[{;list*}] |
0 |
test[{;keys}] |
0 |
test[{;keys*}] |
0.001 |
test[{?who}] |
0 |
test[{?half}] |
0 |
test[{?x,y}] |
0 |
test[{?x,y,empty}] |
0.001 |
test[{?x,y,undef}] |
0 |
test[{?var:3}] |
0 |
test[{?list}] |
0 |
test[{?list*}] |
0.001 |
test[{?keys}] |
0 |
test[{?keys*}] |
0 |
test[{&who}] |
0.001 |
test[{&half}] |
0 |
test[?fixed=yes{&x}] |
0 |
test[{&var:3}] |
0 |
test[{&x,y,empty}] |
0.001 |
test[{&x,y,undef}] |
0 |
test[{&list}] |
0 |
test[{&list*}] |
0.001 |
test[{&keys}] |
0 |
test[{&keys*}] |
0 |
testSerialize |
0.018 |
testMultiplePathOperators |
0 |
testStartExpressionWithTerminationButNoStartBrace |
0 |
testStartExpressionWithNoTermination |
0 |
testUnbalanceExpression |
0 |
testGoodTemplateWithOperators |
0 |
testWithNoExpressions |
0 |
testGoodTemplate |
0 |
testWrappedExploder |
0.003 |
testWrappedExploderWithInvalidTemplate |
0.004 |
testLabel |
0 |
testQuery |
0 |
testPath |
0 |
testFragment |
0 |
testMultipleExpressionsAndLiteralValues |
0 |
testMultipleExpressions |
0 |
testContinuation |
0 |
testReserved |
0 |
testSimpleWithExplode |
0 |
testExpressionFromString |
0 |
testUnderscorVariableName |
0 |
testMatrix |
0 |
testSimple |
0 |
generalNothingToEncode |
0 |
fragmentWithCharsToEncodeInFragmentButNotInReserved |
0 |
exoticHighValueCharacterEncoding |
0 |
0 |
skipped |
generalWithSomeCharsToEncode |
0.001 |
fragmentNothingToEncode |
0 |
fragmentWithSomeCharsToEncode |
0 |
reservedWithSomeCharsToEncode |
0 |
allowedUnreservedCharacterEncoding |
0 |
test[{/id*}] |
0.001 |
test[{/id*}] |
0 |
test[{/id*}{?fields,first_name,,token}] |
0 |
test[/search.{format}{?q,geocode,lang,locale,page,result_type}] |
0 |
test[/test{/Some%20Thing}] |
0.001 |
test[/set{?number}] |
0 |
test[/loc{?long,lat}] |
0 |
test[/base{/group_id,first_name}/pages{/page,lang}{?format,q}] |
0 |
test[/sparql{?query}] |
0 |
test[/go{?uri}] |
0 |
test[/service{?word}] |
0 |
test[/lookup{?Stra%C3%9Fe}] |
0 |
test[{random}] |
0 |
test[{?assoc_special_chars*}] |
0 |
test[{/id*}{?fields,token}] |
0 |
test[{/empty_list}] |
0 |
test[{/empty_list*}] |
0 |
test[{?empty_list}] |
0 |
test[{?empty_list*}] |
0 |
test[{?empty_assoc}] |
0 |
test[{?empty_assoc*}] |
0 |
test[{42}] |
0 |
test[{?42}] |
0 |
test[{1337}] |
0 |
test[{?1337*}] |
0 |
test[{?german*}] |
0 |
test[{?id,token,keys*}] |
0 |
test[{/id}{?token,keys*}] |
0.001 |
test[{?id,token}{&keys*}] |
0 |
test[/user{/id}{?token,tab}{&keys*}] |
0 |
createExplodedVarSpecFromUriTemplateBuilder |
0 |
testTemplateWithExplodeModifier |
0.001 |
usingAnExpandedExplodedVariableInUriTemplateReturnsAURLContainingTheExpandedVariable |
0 |
testWithExplodeModifier |
0 |
usingAnUnexpandedExplodedVariableInUriTemplateReturnsAURLContainingTheTemplatedVariable |
0 |
testEnum |
0.001 |
testUUID |
0.001 |
testExpandInteger |
0 |
test[{var}] |
0 |
test[{hello}] |
0 |
test[{+var}] |
0 |
test[{+hello}] |
0 |
test[{+path}/here] |
0 |
test[here?ref={+path}] |
0 |
test[map?{x,y}] |
0.001 |
test[{x,hello,y}] |
0 |
test[{+x,hello,y}] |
0 |
test[{+path,x}/here] |
0 |
test[{#x,hello,y}] |
0.001 |
test[{#path,x}/here] |
0 |
test[X{.var}] |
0 |
test[X{.x,y}] |
0 |
test[{/var}] |
0 |
test[{/var,x}/here] |
0 |
test[{;x,y}] |
0 |
test[{;x,y,empty}] |
0 |
test[{?x,y}] |
0 |
test[{?x,y,empty}] |
0.001 |
test[?fixed=yes{&x}] |
0 |
test[{&x,y,empty}] |
0 |
test[{var:3}] |
0.001 |
test[{var:30}] |
0 |
test[{list}] |
0 |
test[{list*}] |
0 |
test[{keys}] |
0 |
test[{keys*}] |
0 |
test[{+path:6}/here] |
0 |
test[{+list}] |
0.001 |
test[{+list*}] |
0 |
test[{+keys}] |
0 |
test[{+keys*}] |
0 |
test[{#path:6}/here] |
0.001 |
test[{#list}] |
0 |
test[{#list*}] |
0 |
test[{#keys}] |
0 |
test[{#keys*}] |
0 |
test[X{.var:3}] |
0.001 |
test[X{.list}] |
0 |
test[X{.list*}] |
0 |
test[X{.keys}] |
0 |
test[{/var:1,var}] |
0 |
test[{/list}] |
0.001 |
test[{/list*}] |
0 |
test[{/list*,path:4}] |
0 |
test[{/keys}] |
0 |
test[{/keys*}] |
0 |
test[{;hello:5}] |
0 |
test[{;list}] |
0.001 |
test[{;list*}] |
0 |
test[{;keys}] |
0 |
test[{;keys*}] |
0 |
test[{?var:3}] |
0 |
test[{?list}] |
0.001 |
test[{?list*}] |
0 |
test[{?keys}] |
0 |
test[{?keys*}] |
0 |
test[{&var:3}] |
0 |
test[{&list}] |
0 |
test[{&list*}] |
0 |
test[{&keys}] |
0 |
test[{&keys*}] |
0 |
test[{/id*] |
0.001 |
test[/id*}] |
0 |
test[{/?id}] |
0 |
test[{var:prefix}] |
0.001 |
test[{hello:2*}] |
0 |
test[{??hello}] |
0 |
test[{!hello}] |
0.001 |
test[{with space}] |
0 |
test[{ leading_space}] |
0 |
test[{trailing_space }] |
0 |
test[{=path}] |
0 |
test[{$var}] |
0 |
test[{|var*}] |
0 |
test[{*keys?}] |
0 |
test[{?empty=default,var}] |
0 |
test[{var}{-prefix|/-/|var}] |
0 |
test[?q={searchTerms}&c={example:color?}] |
0.001 |
test[x{?empty|foo=none}] |
0 |
test[/h{#hello+}] |
0 |
test[/h#{hello+}] |
0 |
test[{keys:1}] |
0 |
test[{+keys:1}] |
0 |
test[{;keys:1*}] |
0 |
test[?{-join|&|var,list}] |
0 |
test[/people/{~thing}] |
0 |
test[/{default-graph-uri}] |
0 |
test[/sparql{?query,default-graph-uri}] |
0.001 |
test[/sparql{?query){&default-graph-uri*}] |
0 |
test[/resolution{?x, y}] |
0 |
testSerialize |
0.106 |
testDeserializeWithError |
0.002 |
testDeserialize |
0 |
shouldExpandNullVariablesBeforeValuedVariablesForFormStyleQuery |
0 |
shouldReplaceExpressionWithValues |
0 |
shouldLeftExpressionsWithoutValues |
0.001 |
shouldReplaceAllValues |
0.001 |
shouldReplaceReservedExpansions |
0.001 |
shouldReplacePartialExpressionVariables |
0 |
shouldUseSeperatorIfOnlySecondVariableForExpressionIsProvided |
0 |
shouldChangeOperatorToSeperatorIfFirstVariableForExpressionIsProvided |
0.001 |
testReservedExpression |
0 |
testWithSimpleDateFormat |
0.001 |
testLabelExpressionWithExplode |
0.001 |
testFragmentExpression |
0 |
testInvalidVariableNameWithSpaces |
0 |
testInvalidVarNameUsingExpressionSyntax |
0 |
testFragmentExpressionWithExplode |
0 |
testReservedExpressionWithExplode |
0 |
testLabelExpression |
0 |
testQueryContinuationWithExplode |
0.001 |
testInvalidVariableName |
0 |
testTemplateExpression |
0.001 |
testQueryContinuation |
0 |
testQueryExpression |
0 |
testFragmentExpressionWithExplodeAndPre |
0 |
testQueryExpressionWithExplodeAndPre |
0 |
testLiteral |
0 |
testWithDateFormat |
0.001 |
testCreateBasicTemplateWithUnderScores |
0 |
testQueryContinuationWithExplodeAndPre |
0 |
testInvalidVarNameWithTilde |
0 |
testCreateNew |
0.001 |
testLabelExpressionWithExplodeAndPre |
0 |
testCreateBasicTemplate |
0 |
testReservedExpressionWithExplodeAndPre |
0 |
testCreateFromBaseTemplate |
0 |
testQueryExpressionWithExplode |
0 |
testTemplateExpressionWithUriTemplate |
0 |
testMessedUpUri |
0 |
testSimpleExpression |
0 |
test[{/id*}] |
0.001 |
test[{/id*}] |
0 |
test[{/id*}{?fields,first_name,,token}] |
0.001 |
test[/search.{format}{?q,geocode,lang,locale,page,result_type}] |
0.001 |
test[/test{/Some%20Thing}] |
0 |
test[/set{?number}] |
0 |
test[/loc{?long,lat}] |
0 |
test[/base{/group_id,first_name}/pages{/page,lang}{?format,q}] |
0 |
test[/sparql{?query}] |
0.001 |
test[/go{?uri}] |
0 |
test[/service{?word}] |
0 |
test[/lookup{?Stra%C3%9Fe}] |
0.001 |
test[{random}] |
0.001 |
test[{?assoc_special_chars*}] |
0 |
test[{/id*}{?fields,token}] |
0.001 |
test[{/empty_list}] |
0 |
test[{/empty_list*}] |
0.001 |
test[{?empty_list}] |
0 |
test[{?empty_list*}] |
0 |
test[{?empty_assoc}] |
0 |
test[{?empty_assoc*}] |
0.001 |
test[{42}] |
0 |
test[{?42}] |
0 |
test[{1337}] |
0.001 |
test[{?1337*}] |
0 |
test[{?german*}] |
0.001 |
test[{?id,token,keys*}] |
0 |
test[{/id}{?token,keys*}] |
0.001 |
test[{?id,token}{&keys*}] |
0 |
test[/user{/id}{?token,tab}{&keys*}] |
0.001 |
test[{var}] |
0 |
test[{hello}] |
0 |
test[{+var}] |
0 |
test[{+hello}] |
0 |
test[{+path}/here] |
0 |
test[here?ref={+path}] |
0.001 |
test[map?{x,y}] |
0 |
test[{x,hello,y}] |
0 |
test[{+x,hello,y}] |
0 |
test[{+path,x}/here] |
0 |
test[{#x,hello,y}] |
0 |
test[{#path,x}/here] |
0 |
test[X{.var}] |
0 |
test[X{.x,y}] |
0 |
test[{/var}] |
0.001 |
test[{/var,x}/here] |
0.001 |
test[{;x,y}] |
0 |
test[{;x,y,empty}] |
0 |
test[{?x,y}] |
0 |
test[{?x,y,empty}] |
0 |
test[?fixed=yes{&x}] |
0 |
test[{&x,y,empty}] |
0.001 |
test[{var:3}] |
0 |
test[{var:30}] |
0 |
test[{list}] |
0 |
test[{list*}] |
0 |
test[{keys}] |
0 |
test[{keys*}] |
0 |
test[{+path:6}/here] |
0 |
test[{+list}] |
0.001 |
test[{+list*}] |
0 |
test[{+keys}] |
0 |
test[{+keys*}] |
0 |
test[{#path:6}/here] |
0 |
test[{#list}] |
0 |
test[{#list*}] |
0.001 |
test[{#keys}] |
0 |
test[{#keys*}] |
0 |
test[X{.var:3}] |
0 |
test[X{.list}] |
0 |
test[X{.list*}] |
0 |
test[X{.keys}] |
0 |
test[{/var:1,var}] |
0 |
test[{/list}] |
0 |
test[{/list*}] |
0.001 |
test[{/list*,path:4}] |
0 |
test[{/keys}] |
0.001 |
test[{/keys*}] |
0 |
test[{;hello:5}] |
0 |
test[{;list}] |
0 |
test[{;list*}] |
0.001 |
test[{;keys}] |
0 |
test[{;keys*}] |
0 |
test[{?var:3}] |
0 |
test[{?list}] |
0.001 |
test[{?list*}] |
0 |
test[{?keys}] |
0 |
test[{?keys*}] |
0 |
test[{&var:3}] |
0 |
test[{&list}] |
0.001 |
test[{&list*}] |
0 |
test[{&keys}] |
0 |
test[{&keys*}] |
0 |